Sunday 22 October 2017

I think these posts are in Bowen Park? ~Elder Bill White.

I think these posts are in Bowen Park? There are several things that speak to our loss of history, culture, knowing our stories. First, the posts were commissioned by the City of Nanaimo, or Parks and Recreation? and for many years could be found in Bowen Park? or wherever. How come none of our leaders thought it important to begin dong the same thing so that our young people could learn some of our very significant history? #2 To look at these posts lying on the ground, rotting away. We do not know who carved the posts? whose family was responsible for creating what would be masterpieces? Who carved these posts? Who were his parents, who was his grandparents? This is our history, culture and traditions. What stories are contained within each pole? Did those stories speak about our relationships with the natural and supernatural world? Did they speak about our relationships with the land, being strong? We will never know, the young of our nations will never know! What years where those created, carved, and who is following today to produce Coast Salish houseposts! not northern neighbors but Coast Salish images with our stories? Our leaders and administrators need to begin thinking about these issues and correcting them. Not to correct it is shameful and to carry on as if we did not have a living culture, living traditions! xwe a naach at tun Sqwull Siem! ~Elder Bill White, Vancouver Island.

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A TearDrop. Tears are made out of a single teardrop. Precious. Tears are healing. cleansers!

My photo
Tears at birth, at death. Born. With a beautiful flower. A flower to be respected, loved and cared for. Not to be damaged. A flower to be let to unfold in its own good time. A flower to be kissed by the right person, at the right time. Not to be mangled. Not to be dismantled at a young age. A flower to be preserved until the time is right. A flower to be benefited from with permission and gentleness. Let us begin a new age where men and women pay attention to the fact that between the groin are valuables we carry with us. They are, foreskin, penis, testicles, vulva, hymen, vagina. These valuables are for pleasure, procreation, peeing, periods - and I forgot the anus which has many functions, including keeping us flushed out and healthy. As we teach head, shoulder, knees and toes, a brilliant idea would be to teach about flowers and butterflies while we are at it. 1 Thessalonians 4:3 "For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from sexual immorality;" "We all dream dreams of unity, of purity; we all dream that there's an authoritative voice out there that will explain things, including ourselves." Junot Díaz. HIV/AIDS comes from ignorance. It must go. 61617